Tuesday, January 27, 2009

So sad

It just feels like things will never be right again.

The struggles and awful pain continue and the far reaching affects are numbing.

Oh Nathan, I wish you hadn't done this.

Not only have I lost my beloved first born grandson, but I've lost a daughter and the pain is almost unbearable. She's just almost unreachable at times. I grieve that. I miss her. I don't expect her to be the same, or to even be healed. She'll never be completely healed. But I feel as grievous about her nearly as much as I do about Nathan.

I pray for Lisa's heart to have some peace, and for her precious weary mind to get some comfort. My first born, beloved baby girl, I love you honey.


  1. My heart, thoughts, and prayers continue to be with you all...

  2. My heart aches for you, dear Lin ~ I lost all my family within 10 years, mother, sister,and brother, my dad had deserted the family when I was 4 ~ I was crying one day, and the Lord impressed the words of the hymn " (( I'll ))) be your father, I'll be your mother, I'll be your sister and your brother ~ He said "If I Be Lifted Up! ~ I'll bring JOY to your soul! He will do that, Lin! IONL
